我们的“方针”是向顾客提供稳定的、高质量的服务。 为实现该方针,w88 商业保障部规定以下内容:
To understand the importance of impartiality and confidentiality in carrying out its management system and process/product certification activities.
To manage conflict of interest and ensure objectivity of its management system and process/product certification activities.
To identify clients’ requirements, measure its performance against those requirements, and continuously implement initiatives to improve its services.
To continuously innovate ways to serve our clients’/stakeholders’ needs.
To develop and offer high-quality services that meet the needs of the community and our clients regarding the quality/environmental/safety impacts of our operations and services.
To maintain international recognition of our services in support of our clients’ current and future requirements and expectations, including continuing professional development of our staff.
To continually satisfy the requirements of ISO/IEC 17021, ISO/IEC 17065, and ISO/IEC 17024:2012 including the national/regional versions of the same, and the related IAF Mandatory Documents and the other documents related to the various services offered by w88 and issued by the relevant Accreditation Bodies and Sector Authority Organizations.
持续满足 ISO/IEC 17021 和、ISO/IEC 17065 以及 ISO/IEC 17024:2012 的要求,包括国家/地 区相同的版本、相关的 IAF 的强制文件,以及与天祥提供的各种服务有关且由相应认可机构和地 区授权组织发布的文件
OUR VISION AND OBJECTIVES 愿景和宗旨/目标 Our vision is: To be a leading global solutions provider for auditing and management system needs, with global presence, local expertise, and focus on value-added and service quality.
我们的愿景是:成为全球领先的方案解决提供商,满足具有全球影响力的审核和管理体系需求、本地专业知识, 并且专注于增值和服务质量。
Customer: To provide value-added services and deliver innovative solutions to facilitate our customers’ success in the global marketplace, by offering comprehensive global Supply Chain Assurance services, unparalleled expertise and thought leadership. To deploy a “Total Customer Focus” philosophy throughout the organization.
客户:通过提供全面的全球供应链保障服务、无与伦比的专业知识和思想领导,提供增值服务和履行 创新的解决方案以协助客户在全球市场获得成功。在组织内推行“全面以客户为关注焦点”的理念
Process: to establish and continuously improve efficient and effective processes that support deliver excellent services which add value to our customers’ business.
People: To promote a culture where motivated and satisfied customer-oriented employees can flourish, experience professional fulfilment, and reach their highest potential.
人员:建立企业文化,以激励并满足以顾客为导向的员工的发展、积累专业实践经验、并发挥其最大 潜能
Finance: To deliver outstanding results through sound and thorough financial practices, superior profitability, and sustainable revenue growth.
Technology: To operate a state-of-the-art ecosystem that enables seamless service delivery, promotes innovation, and ensures sustainable competitive advantage across all aspects of our operations.
技术:运营最先进的生态系统,实现无缝服务交付、促进创新,并且确保我们运营的各个方面具有可 持续的竞争优势
声明:获证组织必须定期接受监督审核并经审核合格方可保持证书有效, 证书信息及状态(包含有效、暂停、注销或撤销)可在国家认证认可监督管理委员会官方网站()上查询,也可通过及证书上二维码信息进行查询。暂停期间获证组织不得以任何方式使用认证证书、认证标识或引用认证信息。证书注销或撤销后,获证组织有义务立即归还给w88,证书将不再有效。